Agutayan Island


Agutayan Island is one of those places I’ve always wanted to explore here in Misamis Oriental. They say it is pretty much like Camiguin’s white island, only smaller, and nearer if you’re coming from Cagayan de Oro City. So after being so cold at the farm (our farm is on top of a mountain where fog reigns in the afternoon and the cold air is much much colder than our air conditioner at home — I wear 3 layers of clothes when I’m there), it is expected that I will be missing the beach soon and craving for the heat of the scorching sun. And the perfect place to get that? Agutayan Island!

But before that, let me tell you that I’m now on the 29th day of my very own self-imposed 30-day blog post challenge which also propelled me to restart doing other things I love and one of them is blogging about my travels! It’s actually the primary reason why I started blogging in 2000 in Geocities so I could document all of the travels I was doing. Then eventually, most of my travel posts went to my Sexy Nomad blog. And now, little by little, here in Momtraneur.

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