How to be Unbreakable by Rob Dial and Dean Devries

OMG! I just finished the 1st of 2 live events of Rob Dial and Dean Devries. Itā€™s about how to be UNBREAKABLE despite lifeā€™s uncertainties. They are teaching us, FOR FREE, how to be the person we want to be despite all the craziness we are all experiencing in the world today. It was so inspiring and uplifting!!! Thank you, guys!!!

Basically itā€™s about being a better version of you a year from now. They are teaching us concrete ways on how to go about it. I’m so excited to be Jen 2.0 or maybe 5.0? Lol! I’ve changed so much over the years I’ve lost count! Itā€™s so motivating! Excited for the 2nd part tomorrow! In case you want to join, just head to and try to register if still possible. Join also the Facebook group:

Just a little backgroundā€¦ Rob Dial is my go to podcaster every day when I do my workout and morning walk. The title of his podcast is The Mindset Mentor. You familiar with him? Heā€™s on Spotify and Apple. He helped me a lot get to this level where I am now ā€” more calm, more successful, more positive. And I just want to continue applying what Iā€™ve been learning from him. Heā€™s a great fan of Napoleon Hillā€™s Think and Gor Rich (a book I super love!), and I assume of Tony Robbins‘ teachings as well because many of his podcasts resonate with Tony Robbins’ teachings. 

One thing I want to share with you that Rob and Dean said is this: 

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Thoughts About Real Estate and Mortgages in These Trying Times

Hello, hello, hello!

Iā€™ve been catching up on a TON of work since we got engaged!!! A lot of things have been going on in my personal life as well but Iā€™m hoping to share more of our adventures real soon. And one of these adventures that Iā€™d like to share here with you now is not just about travels that weā€™ve been doing but more importantly, stuff that weā€™ve been accomplishing to help fulfill those goals weā€™ve set out for ourselves for this year and the next. I gave you some ideas before about how to reach your goals for 2022 and Iā€™ve also shared with you some financial tools if your goal is a financial one.

So, this other adventure that I want to share here with you is also a bit related to finances. As you may know, Mahal and I are getting married next year and we are in the works of fulfilling our dream of having a beach wedding in Mactan, Cebu. Even if what we want is just an intimate one with only a few guests, it would still be considered as a big spend for us frugal folks so weā€™re doing everything we can to augment our income. We donā€™t want to spend so much on the wedding because we have a bigger fish to fry so to speak. Or shall I say ā€œfishesā€? Teehee.

And these ā€œfishesā€ are:

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3 Ways to Use Home Equity to Generate Passive Income

When one is at the point in their life asking themselves ā€œShould I rent or buy a house?ā€ many questions are going to come to mind. They might be thinking about whether where they are looking to buy is where they really want to settle down and if not, will it be somewhere that’ll be easy to rent out. Itā€™s also more than fair to think about what the market is going to look like for the coming years and what that’s going to mean when they are looking to sell.Ā 

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10 Financial Tools and Tips That Can Help You Stick to Your Budget and Grow Your Money This 2022

Weā€™re heading to the 3rd week of the new year. Have you started working on your 2022 goals and dreams yet? Perhaps, my previous blog post can help you as I shared there 3 strategies I use to reach mine ā€”> How to Get Anything You Want – 3 Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals in 2022

If your 2022 goal has something to do with finances like mine, then stick around because Iā€™ll be sharing with you some basic tools and tips Iā€™ve used and continue to use to keep my finances in check, stay out of debt, thereby helping me save more, invest more, retain a good cash flow, and let my money grow

I think even before one thinks about the more complicated nature of finance, it is best to tackle the basics first which is HOW TO BUDGET RIGHT. I believe this is an area where many of us fail from time to time, if not every single time! Iā€™ve been there in my 30ā€™s. Iā€™ve always wanted to budget well but Iā€™ve always ended up in debtā€¦ huge debts to the point that my precious house – the product of my own blood, sweat, and tears ā€” almost got repossessed by the bank!                                    

Good thing I was able to start getting out of that rabbit hole and just before I hit my 40ā€™s, I was finally debt-free! I even managed to finish my home mortgage payments back in 2017 making me a proud home owner of a two-story townhouse in one of our capital’s central business districts where real estate prices go high! Iā€™m about to turn 44 next month and Iā€™m happy to say that Iā€™ve maintained my debt-free status ever since. Perhaps you might think it was wisdom that comes with getting older coupled with discipline. Itā€™s both, but itā€™s also more than that too. Iā€™ll share with you the basics below. 

The financial tools and tips Iā€™ve used to help me budget well and which can help you stick to your budget too are as follow:

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New Year's eve

My Little New Year’s Eve Diary

When I think about what 2020 has been for us, I have nothing but prayer of thanks. 

Though this pandemic did affect some aspects of our business, we were able to pivot, adjust, and not only survive but thrive. Truth is, in the 3 years that weā€™ve lived in Cagayan de Oro, 2020 has been our most successful year. And for that, THANK YOU, GOD! 

A huge part is because living and working from home is not new to us. Weā€™ve always been the introverted type and my work has always been online, so it didnā€™t really change our routine much. And because most of the world turned online, business has never been better.Ā  It also helped that we got out of our tiny pad. Since travel was restricted, our original plan of living somewhere half the time and living in the tiny pad the other half of the time was no longer possible. I needed space to breathe and just be and Iā€™m so happy we got to experience living in a cozy house here in Cagayan de Oro City. Before the year approached its end, we even got to host online and overnight parties.Ā 

But donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ There were dark days, yes. Days when I felt like the world was going to end as if weā€™re entering the era of zombie apocalypseā€¦

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Unexpected Christmas Wishes Coming True

It’s true what they say… when you least expect it, that’s when the magic happens. For the most part of the year, and the last 3 years before that, I thought we will have the same Christmas as before ā€” we used to live in a tiny pad, so decorating our home for Christmas was not an option then. Instead, weā€™d go to a hotel resort here in Cagayan de Oro City and spend an overnight stay for both Christmas and New Year. Although on our first Christmas here in 2017, we celebrated it at our farm with our people. Iā€™ve still yet to blog and vlog about those amazing hotel resort stays we did but I really plan to (next year, hopefully, as throwback features). Oh wait, I did blog about our Seda Centrio New Year Stay.  

Well, this year, (in a way, thanks to this pandemic ā€” we got to transfer to a cozy house — looking at the silver lining here), my long overdue wish of spending Christmas in a beautiful, cozy home I personally decorated, hosting a party if possible, and just chilling and pigging out over a simple Noche Buena feast in our pajamas ā€” finally came true!!! Iā€™m so happy, I really canā€™t stop expressing it! Iā€™ve been saying it on my social media posts and even offline to Mahal. Iā€™m just really so happy. Hallelujah! 

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Musiga Vlog Review

MUSIGA Featured On Jeanmay and Julianne’s Vlog!

Mahal and I just saw the very entertaining and funny vlog of two of our customers where MUSIGA (Mushroom Sili Garlic paste), one of our Tuscany Highlands products, was featured on their Mukbang Youtube video. The beautiful, talented, and funny vloggers are Jeanmay and Julianne. They’re the two lovely daughters of Cherry Mae Roa, my former high school batchmate from Lourdes College High School here in Cagayan de Oro City, who recently bought 2 variants of our MUSIGAĀ — mild spicy and sweet & spicy!

In their mukbang video, the two pretty ladies ate different kinds of food. They had Kimchi Rice, Kimbap, Kimchi, Cheese & Scrambled Eggs, Pancit Canton, Soju, and our MUSIGA. Out of all the food they had, we’re super glad they liked our Musiga too! According to them, it added the much-needed flavor to what they were eating. We’re so happy! Muuaaahhhh!!! (^_^)

I was really delighted when Cherry told me last week that her daughters are going to feature our MUSIGA product on their Youtube Channel! And now it’s here! Thank you so much my dears!!! Watch their vlog, like, and subscribe —>Ā  Jeanmay and Julianne

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Real Talk

REAL TALK: Tiny Pad Tour And Business Update In This Time Of Pandemic

THIS IS AS REAL AS I CAN GET! This was an unplanned rant and rave video. I was testingĀ a camera app I downloaded to my 7-year old Samsung Note 3 which I also had repaired and this was the unexpected result of that test. Pardon all my fats, pls! Lol! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†

I also realized how verbose I can be! I never knew myself to be this talkative! I can go on months without talking to someone (yep, introvert here) but once I start talking with no one trying to stop me, I can go on, and on, and on.. hahaha! THIS IS ME IN THE MIDST OF THIS PANDEMIC! How about you??? How are you???

Anyway, here are the links of the topics mentioned in my monologue.

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Tuscany Highlands Mushroom Training Group

Tuscany Highlands Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Online Training Program [Everything You Need to Know]

Iā€™ve mentioned in my previous blog post that ā€œthe month of May has been nothing but awesomeā€. Well, aside from getting featured on two big-time online publications ( and Connected Women), this is also the month that our Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Online Training Program has begun to soar! This is aside from the fact that we have been selling fresh mushroom harvests, fruiting bags, spawns, starter kits, Musiga and other mushroom products.

But first things first. Let’s talk about Tuscany Highlands’ Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Online Training Program. I’ll start with a bit of an overview and how we have progressed from doing hands-on during pre-Covid times to going online after the pandemic was announced. Then at the end of this blog post, I’ll give you the details of our Oyster Mushroom Online Training Program. So if any of you reading this would want to be oyster mushroom growers in the near future, you may do so even if you’re just at the comforts of your own home.

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Connected Women - Wiki EZ Vid

MomTraNeur Featured at Wiki.Ezvid.Com and Connected Women


The month of May has been nothing but awesome for me and I’ll tell you 2 reasons why. I still have so many things to celebrate about this month which I’ll tell you before this month ends, but for now, here are two things that really got my heart racing! (I may be a little vain but hey, this doesn’t happen every day to everyone, so God, thank you for this honor!!!)

Here they are…

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Work from Home

How Do You Start Working Online From Home In This Time of Pandemic?

Iā€™ve been working from home a little over two months after I retired from my corporate job in Dec. 2007 as a Human Resources Officer IV in one of our countryā€™s government financial institutions. But I still remember vividly how I felt, what I did, and how it got me to where I am now ā€” living the life I want and doing what I like. Like any employee quitting his/her job, I was, of course, scared… Scared because I was letting go of a job that a million girls my age at that time would probably die for because of how high my income was compared to my peers then. At the age of 24 (since year 2002-2007), I was already taking home a salary equivalent to the income of a manager or vice president. The company I was working for then wasnā€™t included in the countryā€™s salary standardization law and my salary grade was quite high because my step-grandma was one of the board of trustees and I worked for her as her Executive Assistant V (that’s nepotism in this country which I’m not proud of but grateful for at that time). I was also excited because, for the first time in a long time, I could breathe. That company was laden with politics and being an introvert who preferred working mostly by myself, I didnā€™t bode well with making chitchat during office hours nor hobnobbing with the higher-ups just because I was the granddaughter of one of the Board of Trustees. I felt like I was surrounded by ā€œplasticā€ people and I felt suffocated and stressed out most of the time. So it was a breath of fresh air to get out of that situation and take home with me more than a million peso in retirement money. I was lucky!

Nevertheless, I still went through some sort of period of depression for about a month after I retired. I retired effective Dec. 15, 2007 and I was just watching TV series like Dexter and 24 from what I remember that whole time. I kind of felt lost and didn’t know what to do next. I was so used to the hustle and bustle of corporate life then all of a sudden I wasn’t doing anything. So I did what I could… I majored in being a couch potato for about a month, never really sleeping but just watching reruns of TV shows and eating on the couch. I seldom took a bath too during that time, lol! I had a full-time helper under my employ so I could afford to literally do nothing but just be a potato on my couch! Hahaha! After I forced myself out of depression mode (thanks to The Secret which I also read and watched over and over around January 2008), I began to see the light. Someone in my Yahoo groups contacted me to apply as an online executive assistant to a Texas CEO in the US, and the rest, as they say, is history. Here I am twelve years down the line, having had numerous clients from the US, Israel, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, having done all kinds of online work you could think of, including being a ghostwriter who authored an erotic novel (hahaha!) which actually paid for my 2-week Siargao vacation back in March 2012. Those were the days! I’d work online either from home or from anywhere I fancy just because I could.

Iā€™m aware that times now are different. These days, people donā€™t have this choice to either work in the office or work from home. Many employees now, including high ranking company officials, are being forced to work online from home to avoid getting sick due to the currently incurable Covid-19, formerly known as the Novel Coronavirus. Many even lost their jobs and don’t know where to get their next paycheck to support their families. The economy of 100+ nations all around the world is suffering from this pandemic and companies, big and small, as well as workers of various industries, must learn how to adapt, cope, think outside of the box, and come up with other ways to get the job done to stay afloat amidst this global crisis.

Are you one of those people affected by this? Are you having a hard time transitioning from working in your companyā€™s office premises to now having to work from home with your kids, spouse, maybe even with your parents, siblings, and house help puttering about inside your home while you try to get some work done? Or did you lose your job and don’t know what kind of work you could do next? If you are, I hope my tips below will somehow lighten your struggle and serve as a guide to you in these dark times as I share with you how I did it before and how I continue to do it for more than 12 years now. Just bear with me whenever I make a little side chitchat because Iā€™m just talkative like that. After all, having not seen any ā€œofficematesā€ for more than a decade, and having lived by myself for most of my adult life, writing has become my outlet for all of my stories untold. Hihihi! Here goes…

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