Teaching My 7-Year-Old Financial Literacy: Exploring ‘The First Ten Rules of Wealth’ by Richard Templar

As a parent, I’ve always believed that education extends far beyond the walls of a traditional classroom. This belief has been a driving force behind our decision to homeschool our 7-year-old son, giving him the freedom to learn in ways that suit his interests and needs. One area that Mahal and I are particularly passionate about introducing to his curriculum is financial literacy. In today’s ever-changing world, the importance of understanding money, saving, and investing cannot be overstated. I grew up with a poverty mindset… that feeling that we’re always lacking… that belief that I’m not worthy of the good kind of life… and it took years of reading self-help books, and wealth-related books, and listening to Oprah and Tony Robbins before I was able to fairly say I that I’ve somehow overcome my poverty mindset and started my journey towards abundance. I want Tuz to have the right kind of thinking when it comes to money and wealth so that he will be able to live a more abundant, rich, and fulfilling life.

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Big Bad Wolf Celebrates the Joy of Reading with Cebuanos

-Aims to empower the community by giving access to affordable books-

CEBU, Philippines — Bringing over 2 million brand new books each year, Big Bad Wolf Book Sale has made literature more accessible to Filipinos by offering huge discounts of up to 95% off.  Best of all, entrance to the Book Sale is absolutely FREE! The sale will feature new and exclusive releases only available in Cebu from September 15 until October 1, 2023 from 10 AM to 10 PM, at SM Seaside City Cebu, Lower Ground level, Cube Wing.

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How to Teach a Kid About Real Estate, Coding, Circuitry and Robotics (A Little Peek at Our Homeschool Life with Tuz)

We’ve been nothing but super busy since we got back from our beach wedding. We actually got a bit sick for 2 weeks after all the wedding tours that ended on May 8, and we had to recuperate up until Mother’s Day last month. It’s going to be Father’s Day soon and we’re still trying to get back to our regular routine here at our mini resort, Oslob New Village, our home in Oslob, by having our morning or evening walks again,  hikes up the mountain, going to the beach, paddle boarding, biking, and playing badminton (for better physical health); planting bonsais, herbs and trees; doing chores at home, taking care of Tuz, spending time as husband and wife (a.k.a. mini dates with Mahal), taking care of my online work, and homeschooling

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How to be Unbreakable by Rob Dial and Dean Devries

OMG! I just finished the 1st of 2 live events of Rob Dial and Dean Devries. It’s about how to be UNBREAKABLE despite life’s uncertainties. They are teaching us, FOR FREE, how to be the person we want to be despite all the craziness we are all experiencing in the world today. It was so inspiring and uplifting!!! Thank you, guys!!!

Basically it’s about being a better version of you a year from now. They are teaching us concrete ways on how to go about it. I’m so excited to be Jen 2.0 or maybe 5.0? Lol! I’ve changed so much over the years I’ve lost count! It’s so motivating! Excited for the 2nd part tomorrow! In case you want to join, just head to https://www.robanddean.com/unbreakable-1 and try to register if still possible. Join also the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/538088811356136

Just a little background… Rob Dial is my go to podcaster every day when I do my workout and morning walk. The title of his podcast is The Mindset Mentor. You familiar with him? He’s on Spotify and Apple. He helped me a lot get to this level where I am now — more calm, more successful, more positive. And I just want to continue applying what I’ve been learning from him. He’s a great fan of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Gor Rich (a book I super love!), and I assume of Tony Robbins‘ teachings as well because many of his podcasts resonate with Tony Robbins’ teachings. 

One thing I want to share with you that Rob and Dean said is this: 

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How to Get Anything You Want – 3 Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals in 2022 

As we begin our journey this New Year, many of us think about having new goals, new dreams, and basically how do we get about achieving them. I’ve thought about these things myself. Mine in particular is about increasing my net worth to a particular amount and this involves budgeting all of my money and assets well. This thought has been ringing in my mind since late last year, especially after Typhoon Rai hit us and I knew in my gut that I should make this financial goal my number 1 priority. 

So, to help me dissect the process of how I’m going to achieve this particular financial goal of mine this year, I listened to a podcast by Marie Forleo discussing the topic “How to Get Anything You Want?” This can actually apply to getting anything you want this year — whether it be getting your life back together, having the kind of relationship you want, traveling to a particular place, getting the job or career you want, setting up your own business, winning a nobel prize — you name it and the strategies here will help you make it happen.

I’ll share with you below the notes I took so that you too, can have some ideas on how to achieve your goals for 2022, especially if it’s a financial goal like mine. 

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Philippine Homeschooling Hack

Philippine Homeschooling Hack In This Time of The Pandemic

To dear parents, are you enrolling your kids in school this year? Or are you homeschooling them? Homeschooling in the Philippines is not yet a common thing but because of this pandemic, it seems to be the only right choice to do to protect the health of our children. If company employees are adapting a work-from-home situation, then why not homeschool as well?

And so, I’m just so excited to share this video intended for parents living in the Philippines who are worried about their kids either missing a year of schooling due to the pandemic or efforting to homeschool their kids who used to be enrolled in either public or private schools, more so those who have lost their budget for private school tuition fees. There’s a hack that you can do that won’t cost you a lot of money, it can actually even be free! Continue reading


Ten Basic Creative Principles We Can All Use Especially In This Time of Pandemic

On my previous post, I was talking a bit about how we need to be a little creative when marketing and selling in this time of pandemic. After all, we need all the help we can get to make sure we can still financially survive this crisis despite all odds. On this blog post, I’d like to delve into the topic of creativity a little bit more by mentioning the ten basic principles I learned before from a 12-week course I took on the Artist’s Way (a course in discovering and recovering your creative self created by Julia Cameron and Mark Bryan). These ten creative  principles are: Continue reading


DTI Go Negosyo Free Business Course: How to Join the Enhanced Business Learning Sessions

Let me take a short break from my Boracay posts to talk about Mahal’s 3-month journey with DTI / Department of Trade and Industry’s Enhanced Business Learning Sessions (EBLS). I mentioned yesterday that he was preparing for his graduation and I was hoping it all went well coz I wasn’t there to attend it because I was busy taking care of Tuz and finishing the Part 2 of my Boracay blog post. Hehehe.

If you’re a Filipino entrepreneur residing in the Philippines reading this blog post, and you feel lost as to what to do next with your startup business, or maybe you have a business you inherited from your family, or even if you just have this plan for a business but don’t know where to start, this post can help you plan for the next step to take. Read on… Continue reading

The Abba's Orchard

The Abba’s Orchard Cagayan de Oro Free Trial – VLOG

Yesterday, I shared with you a detailed blog post about my three-year-old son’s experience during his free trial at The Abba’s Orchard Alawana Branch here in Cagayan de Oro City and I said I will post a vlog about it. Here it is — if you can head to my Youtube channel and subscribe as well please, I’d really appreciate it!

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The Abba's Orchard


To homeschool Tuz or to enroll him in a real school?

I already shared with you a homeschooling seminar we attended November of last year. The month after that, December, right after we went on a 9-day tour of Siargao (which I have yet to blog about), we enrolled Tuz in a 3-day free immersion class at The Abba’s Orchard Montessori School. I was thinking if we have the budget for it (we must make a budget for it!), why not just enroll Tuz in a Maria Montessori school? And according to my research, The Abba’s Orchard was considered by parents as one of the best in the Philippines. And after that 3-day free immersion class Tuz went to, I fell in love with the system as well…

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Homeschooling in the Philippines – A General Overview

We attended a homeschooling seminar here in Cagayan de Oro sometime last November 2018 before Tuz turned 3. It was the very first time we attended such an event as we have begun thinking about homeschooling Tuz instead of enrolling him in a traditional school.

I remember way back in 2013, when I was traveling here in Cagayan de Oro with my then “bessy” (Mahal), and we were watching this celebrity show on TV. It was showing Brooke Burk, building her new house at that time, including an area in their basement where she could homeschool her kids. That was the first time the thought of having a kid quickly crossed my mind and I thought “If I am going to have a kid in another life, maybe I will homeschool him/her.” I guess the thought of being with one’s child was just so attractive to me because I grew up with my mom working all the time and other caregivers were left to take care of me. I would have loved it if my mom was there for me 24/7. I don’t blame her though. She had to work because my dad was jobless and was the one left at home to take care of our needs.

Anyway, going back to that CDO Homeschooling event we attended, we learned that there are 3 general styles of homeschooling: Continue reading