How to be Unbreakable by Rob Dial and Dean Devries

OMG! I just finished the 1st of 2 live events of Rob Dial and Dean Devries. It’s about how to be UNBREAKABLE despite life’s uncertainties. They are teaching us, FOR FREE, how to be the person we want to be despite all the craziness we are all experiencing in the world today. It was so inspiring and uplifting!!! Thank you, guys!!!

Basically it’s about being a better version of you a year from now. They are teaching us concrete ways on how to go about it. I’m so excited to be Jen 2.0 or maybe 5.0? Lol! I’ve changed so much over the years I’ve lost count! It’s so motivating! Excited for the 2nd part tomorrow! In case you want to join, just head to and try to register if still possible. Join also the Facebook group:

Just a little background… Rob Dial is my go to podcaster every day when I do my workout and morning walk. The title of his podcast is The Mindset Mentor. You familiar with him? He’s on Spotify and Apple. He helped me a lot get to this level where I am now — more calm, more successful, more positive. And I just want to continue applying what I’ve been learning from him. He’s a great fan of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Gor Rich (a book I super love!), and I assume of Tony Robbins‘ teachings as well because many of his podcasts resonate with Tony Robbins’ teachings. 

One thing I want to share with you that Rob and Dean said is this: 

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5th anniversary

How To Make A Relationship Last [3 Major Tips for Those Living Together]

We’re home now from our very long road trip starting from Cagayan de Oro to Oslob, then Dumaguete, Bacolod, Iloilo, Gigantes, Boracay, back to Iloilo, Bacolod, Oslob, Cebu City, Dapitan, and now back in Cagayan de Oro. Whew! What a blast it has been! We are so tired from our trip but so rejuvenated as well.

We came home just in time for a few things:

  • my grandfather’s 95th birthday celebration
  • an event I am attending later for Solane as a blogger
  • a package that arrived from Blue Bee which I will be using and reviewing before I join their affiliate program
  • and most especially, just in time for our 5th anniversary as committed life partners ❤

Wow! So many blessings! Thank you, God, for all these love and opportunities in my life right now. I really feel blessed despite the fact that I am oh so tired (which is why I am now taking Thiocell to give me more energy, aside from my usual multivitamins and organic supplements — perhaps, I’ll blog about them next time).

Anyway, that long trip of ours really tested our faith, our patience, and ultimately our love for one another. We are used to traveling together, but it’s not always that we travel with a group, more so, our extended family. I must admit that on a few occasions, it did make me feel like I wanted to give up on us because of the little stresses that came along the way (you can read about it here: How to Avoid Travel Burnout When Traveling With a Group) but as always, after every storm, a rainbow always comes and I’m glad that we always get out of it stronger than ever.

So how do we keep managing to strengthen our love and commitment for each other (as if we’re falling in love for the first time all over again) despite our imperfections? How do we make our relationship last year after year after year and hopefully until death do we part? How do you make your relationship last longer… until marriage… how do you make a marriage last a lifetime?

Below are the major 3 things I learned along the way (which I learned the hard way by the way) and which I want to share with you in case you’re in a relationship too, whether a new one or a seasoned one, and you want to make your relationship stronger too. As I continue to embark in this amazing relationship with my best friend, my life partner, my soulmate, my Mahal, here are the 3 major tips I can give you based on our own experiences: Continue reading

Manny Pacquiao vs Keith Thurman

Manny Pacquiao vs Keith Thurman: Life Lessons to Learn from this Fight

Hey, everyone! We just got here in Oslob after  a 16-hour road trip all the way from Cagayan de Oro. I rested for a bit when I got here because I was already so zombified the past few days from everything that’s been happening (work, Mahal’s DTI graduation, packing for this trip and the road trip itself). I mentioned before that we’ll be doing a Mindanao-Visayas tour this month together with Mahal’s sister, his sister’s boyfriend and her daughter who came all the way from Belgium and now we’re here!


I’m actually super tired from the trip. I only had a few hours of sleep on the boat as I tried drafting the Part 3 of my Boracay blog post series last night. Since that would entail a huge amount of time and energy for me, which right now, I don’t have, I decided to rest instead. I do, however, still want to update you here on my blog and all I can think about was that boxing fight our very own 40-year old Manny Pacquiao had against 30-year old Keith Thurman. We were watching it yesterday while we were packing for our trip and boy oh boy, wasn’t that a really good fight! Even veterans watching from the ringside described it as Pacquiao’s best one since his magnificent  win over Antonio Margarito back in 2010.

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Girls at the farm during sunrise

How to Beat Stress – 3 Simple Yet Amazing Steps I Adopted from Tony Robbins

It’s early Sunday morning today in the Philippines but my body clock is still on Saturday mode, around 6PM US Eastern Time. Since it’s the weekend and I’m at the farm, I want to write a little something about stress and how to beat it. I’m not stressed though. I haven’t been in a while. And I’m always a lot happier when I’m here at the farm.

However, I know that many of us live most of our days in a stressed state despite the fact that we know it’s not good for us. Stress can literally kill you overtime because it can cause sickness, the worst of which is cancer (I’ve personally known 3 people in my life who had cancer and from what I observed, it may be mostly because their family and situations stressed them out so much), and if not cancer, then so many other illnesses are brought about by stress that are slowly building in our body. Cortisol is good in small amounts. We do need it to survive. But if you are constantly producing cortisol in your body because you’re in a constant state of stress, that’s when it becomes bad.

So why not find ways to beat it, right? And I mean, beat it right at its core and not just put some band-aid solutions for it. This way, we get to live longer and better.

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Raise Your Standards

Tony Robbins’ How to Raise Your Standards – Here are the Two Amazing Steps I Took

This is my 18th day of consecutive blogging and I’m happy to say that I haven’t faltered (yet — hopefully, I won’t ever) in my renewed commitment to do one of my first loves which is writing, hurray! I first did this last year, month of May, for my 30-day blogging challenge, which I finished with flying colors. But after that, I went radio silent again for some time before I blogged again. This time, I want to do this for as long as I am alive and not just 30 days. In poker speak, we must always up our ante! So  I’m giving myself a little pat on my back for having done this for 18 days straight so far. Hurray for little triumphs like this!

I think one of the major things that really helped me focus on my commitment to blog daily are the teachings of Tony Robbins, particularly about “raising your standards”.  As Tony Robbins said:

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